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How rainwater conservation brought a positive change in a woman’s life in Rajasthan: CAREBEAMS

The Unrelenting Struggle for Water: The Story of Shila DeviShila Devi, a 45-year-old woman living in the Aravali region of Rajasthan, is intimately familiar with the harsh realities of a groundwater-scarce environment. Like many in her community, Shila and her family are deeply rooted in the land and traditions of their society, yet constantly challenged to find new ways to secure the most essential resource - water.As a farmer's wife, Shila's daily life is intertwined with the family's agricultural practices and animal husbandry. The entire household invests tremendous time and effort into coaxing sustenance from the parched earth. Yet, the lack of reliable groundwater access makes this an ongoing battle.Shila's story is not unique in her region. Across the Aravali hills, people are bound to live in an environment where groundwater has become increasingly scarce and elusive. Adapting to this new normal requires immense resilience, creativity and a steadfast connection to the land.Despite the formidable challenges, the people of this area remain fiercely attached to their homes and communities. They continue to search for innovative solutions to ensure access to water for domestic, agricultural and livestock needs. This struggle to survive and thrive in the face of dwindling groundwater is a testament to the unbreakable spirit of Shila Devi and her neighbors.Their story underscores the urgent need to address critical water scarcity issues, particularly in regions like the Aravali hills, where the survival and wellbeing of entire communities hangs in the balance. With the right interventions and support, the people of this area can find sustainable pathways to secure their most precious resource - and build a more resilient future.Shila Devi lives in the village of Dadhikar, part of the Hajipur Panchayat in Alwar district. She resides here with her husband Raju Gurjar, their three daughters, and one son.Raju works as a daily wage laborer, and together with Shila Devi, they strive to provide for the family's basic needs. The household has a small 13 biswa plot of land, which they utilize for both agriculture and livestock rearing - a common livelihood strategy in their Gurjar community.Last season, Shila Devi cultivated 1,200 kg of onions on their land, selling the produce at 7 rupees per kg for a total earnings of 8,400 rupees. However, the yield was lower than expected given the size of their farmland.In addition to farming, the family also keeps 2 buffaloes, 2 cows, and 5 goats, providing them a daily income of 3 liters of milk sales. The Gurjars are traditionally pastoralists, making livestock an integral part of their household economy.Yet, the chronic water scarcity in the Dadhikar region poses a constant challenge to both their agricultural and animal husbandry activities. Accessing sufficient water for irrigation, drinking, and watering livestock has become an ongoing struggle for Shila Devi's family, severely impacting their livelihoods and overall wellbeing.Despite their hard work and resourcefulness, the lack of reliable water access remains the primary constraint preventing Shila Devi and her family from achieving greater productivity and prosperity from their limited land and livestock. Addressing this fundamental issue is crucial to supporting the resilience and economic security of households like theirs in water-scarce regions.Role of CAREBEAMS in water conservationBut the above-discussed situation was before Shila Devi joined hands with the Carebeams Saraswati SHG. The Carebeams Organization, with the help of the CSR team, has started a project to conserve rainwater. In the area of Dadhikar, they have changed the situation by constructing Johad (percolation pond), and this also helped in recharging the groundwater. So, a renovation has started in this drought area. This whole campaign and activity had different positive impacts on the people of Dadhikar village.With the support of the Carebeams initiative, Shila Devi and her family have been able to overcome the chronic water scarcity that previously constrained their agricultural and livestock activities. The construction of the Johad has helped recharge the groundwater, improving water availability for both domestic and productive uses.This has had a transformative impact on Shila Devi's household economy. She has been able to increase her onion yields, now cultivating 1,500 kg and earning 10,500 rupees from sales. The enhanced water access has also benefited her livestock, with the family now able to maintain a herd of 2 buffaloes, 3 cows, and 7 goats, generating a steady income from milk sales.Beyond the tangible economic gains, the Carebeams initiative has also brought a renewed sense of hope and community spirit to Dadhikar. Residents now work together to maintain the Johad and ensure equitable water distribution, fostering a culture of collaboration and self-reliance.Shila Devi and her family are but one example of how targeted water conservation efforts can catalyze broader social and economic transformation in water-stressed regions. The Carebeams model has demonstrated the power of community-driven solutions to address complex challenges and build resilience for the future.Through this project, many women got employment opportunities, as they were involved in the construction process and the households of Dadhikar, who depend on livestock rearing and agri-farming. They have actively participated in all these works and get benefited a lot from this project.Shila Devi said, "I thought I would sell all the animals as it became difficult to rear them as there was a huge scarcity of water, but after the implementation of this project, now all the wells and Johad have sufficient water. Therefore, we do not need to go far for water; now, we have enough water in our village for agri-farming and livestock rearing."This is so inspirational and has provided positive support to Carebeams to do much work like this and change people's life at ground zero. This story is a milestone and had proven to help peasants in ensuring that rainwater conservation can become a changemaker in a farmer's life.The Carebeams project has empowered the women of Dadhikar, providing them with employment opportunities during the construction phase. This has had a positive ripple effect, as these women come from households reliant on livestock and agriculture - industries that have directly benefited from the improved water access.Shila Devi's testimony underscores the transformative impact of the Carebeams intervention. The availability of sufficient water in the village's wells and Johad (percolation pond) has alleviated the family's previous struggles, allowing them to maintain their livestock and continue farming without the constant threat of water scarcity.This story serves as a powerful example of how Carebeams' community-driven water conservation efforts can change the lives of rural families. By addressing the fundamental issue of water access, the project has unlocked new economic opportunities and restored a sense of hope and resilience within the Dadhikar community.The success of this initiative demonstrates the potential for similar Carebeams projects to catalyze positive change in other water-stressed regions. As a milestone achievement, this story highlights the vital role that rainwater conservation can play in uplifting the lives of farmers and their families.


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